Through the project “RAZOM (TOGETHER) – Network of psysical and mental health services adapted to the needs of Ukrainian refugees”, we aim to contribute to the improvement of the physical and mental health of Forcedly Displaced Persons from Ukraine, by avoiding the installation/chronicling the effects generated by the war, acting in three complementary directions:
  • Adapting and improving the emotional and relational health services offered to mothers and children from Ukraine hosted by the General Directorates of Social Work and Child Protection (DGASPCs) in Bucharest by implementing a program of psycho-social activities for at least 100 PSFU. The main activities aim at creating a preschool children’s club, organizing mixed parent-child leisure sessions and thematic trips, as well as creating a good practice guide dedicated to health and social assistance specialists regarding the prevention of the onset/exacerbation of mental disorders post-traumatic among PSFU.
  • Developing a network of at least 15 intercultural health mediators to facilitate the provision of medical and mental health services for Forcedly Displaced Persons from Ukraine by public or private providers.
  • Mapping the health services available in Bucharest in order to easily access them by the Forcedly Displaced Persons from Ukraine through a dedicated web page (a map of available medical services).